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Application Process and Requirements

The application process needs to be started and completed no later than February 1, 2024 for consideration for admission Fall semester 2024.

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Graduate Admissions

International Graduate Admissions

Human Development & Social Policy Master’s Degree Program Prerequisites & Checklist

The admissions committee  considers a variety of indicators such as courses taken, grades, employment experiences, research experiences, as well as fit with the expertise of faculty members in the department.  These indicators include the overall pattern of required and recommended elements described below.

Family and Consumer Studies waives the GRE on all graduate student applications.

Required of All Applicants:

  • An undergraduate social science research methods course (from any department) with a B grade or better.
  • An undergraduate statistics course (from any department) with a B grade or better.
  • A bachelor's degree from a fully accredited college or university.
  • An undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0 (for all undergraduate work or for work completed during the last two years of study, whichever is higher).
  • The GRE is no longer required.  If you choose to take the GRE please specify the Department Code #4602 and the Institution Code #4853 for the University of Utah to help direct the scores to the FCS Department. (Note: GRE paper test scores are usually sent 5 weeks after the testing date and computer-delivered tests are sent 15 days after the testing date.) GRE-prep courses are available for many different sources.
  • A 500-word essay describing your career goals and interest in the program, including which faculty you would like to have as advisors.
  • A writing sample.
  • Three letters of recommendation (preferably from faculty members).

Required of Continuing Master’s Degree Applicants:

Exceptional students who have successfully defended their Master’s degrees in our department may continue into the PhD program, contingent upon FCS Departmental faculty recommendation.

Additional Requirements for International Applicants:

A minimum TOEFL score of 80iBT (550pBT) or better, or a minimum IELTS band score of 6.5 or better. (Minimum score requirements are subject to change). In order to receive financial assistance as a Teaching Assistant (if funds are available), students must be certified for speaking ability by the ITA Program prior to beginning their teaching assignment.


Human Development & Social Policy involves a research-based interdisciplinary approach to understanding the influences on individual, family, and community well-being. The FCS admissions committee also is favorably impressed by an applicant’s range and depth of course work that indicate a good fit with Human Development & Social Policy. Courses that indicate an interest in and experience with research are especially encouraged, such as undergraduate independent study or special projects within courses that involved research. Faculty will also assess whether the applicant’s professional goals fit with faculty research interests and program goals. Applicants are encouraged to mention in their essays which faculty members might have similar research interests with the applicant (see faculty web pages for this information). 


The University of Utah is fully committed to policies of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity, and vigorously pursues affirmative action in all programs, activities, and employment with regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age, and status as a handicapped individual. Religion, sexual orientation, and status as a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era also are protected under nondiscrimination and equal opportunity employment policies.

Last Updated: 7/8/24